Monday, December 7, 2009

A - Pillow

Our friends Laura and John just had a baby girl named Athena. They live in Park City so we haven't had the chance to meet her yet, but based on photos Athena looks like a stunner. I decided to make her a little A-pillow. Athena's room colours are predominantly pink and green so I found these really great Japanese fabric in those colours.

Since I'm new to sewing this pillow is a little wonky... a buckle here, a lump there. But I don't think Athena will know the difference.

I also made a card with the left over fabric.

In fact this card was so much fun to make, I made a few more. Idea from Made.

I also made some matching envelopes.

Next time I will take better photos with a real camera rather than these horrible snap shots from my iphone.

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