Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Really Ugly Dress

So this was my first sewing project I made with my new sewing machine. I was so excited to make something I couldn't even breathe. I bought a couple books on sewing, but since I hate reading manuals, I had to jump right in to make something, anything.

I decided to make Mila Monster a dress using an old Marimekko fabric that I had.

I used an old beat up t-shirt from my husband to make a ruffly trim. This t-shirt was so old, it had holes everywhere.

Here's a closeup on the ruffly trim.

And here's a photo of Mila Monster looking like, "Get me out of this god awful dress."

I'm sorry Mila. I promise my next attempt will be after I've read a few chapters in my sewing books.

First attempt... embarrassing!

Fun Stockings

Ever since Jackie posted the library bag she made for Graham on Designing Moms, I've been thinking about a fun-with-felt project. I went to the fabric store and decided that I would make some fun stockings. My new favourite colour combo for Christmas this year is red and grey. I happened to find this gorgeous grey Italian fabric from their scrap bin, so I was giddy to start this project.

I wanted the stockings to have an elf toe rather than the traditional round toe. So I made a template for myself. Anyone is free to use this template. Just print to the size you want, pin to fabric and cut. Sew around the stocking, but leave the top open so you can fill it with goodies.

I made Mila Monster's stocking out of the red felt.

Kiril and my stockings are made from the italian grey fabric. I cut out the first letters of our names in a "times roman" font. Although my current favourite font is "eurostile", I wanted a serif font for this look.

I hope I get some nice surprises in my stocking. Fingers crossed.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Twisted Cinnamon Bread

Yum! Have to make again.

A - Pillow

Our friends Laura and John just had a baby girl named Athena. They live in Park City so we haven't had the chance to meet her yet, but based on photos Athena looks like a stunner. I decided to make her a little A-pillow. Athena's room colours are predominantly pink and green so I found these really great Japanese fabric in those colours.

Since I'm new to sewing this pillow is a little wonky... a buckle here, a lump there. But I don't think Athena will know the difference.

I also made a card with the left over fabric.

In fact this card was so much fun to make, I made a few more. Idea from Made.

I also made some matching envelopes.

Next time I will take better photos with a real camera rather than these horrible snap shots from my iphone.

Sock Kitty

I recently also made a sock kitty for our downstairs neighbors' daughter, Marginitte. She just turned one year old, so this was her birthday present.

This kitty was made from a pair of Marginitte's socks.